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Empresa del sector automotriz gana visibilidad sobre todas sus líneas de producción utilizando estadística y tableros de mando personalizados

Executive Summary

The automotive company, which has multiple production lines, had no visibility into its different internally generated processes. In other words, incidents that occurred within a production line had no clear traceability. Likewise, there was no alerting platform when failures occurred during day-to-day operations. Due to the complexity of the production lines, multiple people and roles were involved, and in the event of a failure, their investigation times could take hours. The main goal was to minimize these times.

Use Cases
Impacted Areas
Integrated data sources
Results and achievements
  • Production robots with unique operating systems.

  • Multiple unconventional sources of information.

  • Need to provide visibility and create an investigation platform that provided information in minutes, not hours.

  • Understanding the flow and integration of each production line.

Monitoring and Detection:

  • Integration with in-house production line robots, extracting real-time information.

  • Creation of custom dashboards for incident tracking and daily productivity monitoring and investigation.

Advanced Statistics and Investigation:

  • Dashboards with advanced probability and statistics for making decisions and even comparing suppliers to generate custom reports.

  • Investigation platform with the ability to correlate information from the entire production line, providing responses in minutes without requiring server connections or manual investigation in robot logs.

Monitoring and Detection:

  • Implementation of an investigation platform, allowing flexible filtering and searching of information.
  • Production.

  • Maintenance.

  • Fraud (business area).

Networks and Security:

  • Apache


  • Own web servers and in-house applications.
  • Reduction in investigation times by at least 40%.

  • Implementation of a custom investigation platform with the ability to correlate any incidents that occurred at the moment.

  • Generation of custom reports for the executive team.

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